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Slight change in project

My project is still a commentary on artificial intelligence and its place in society. We are all well aware of how AI can take over jobs, but when it comes to complex creative work, I asked myself can AI learn to design?

Based on my research the answer is yes it can, and it already has. In my project I looked at a not so sophisticated AI website called Inspirobot. Inspirobot generates an infinite variety of inspirational quotes along with an image. The quotes are usually comical and sometimes dark, but some are "inspirational". These randomly generated quotes play a large role in my project. At this point I was skeptical of AI being able to create professional level posters ready for society. After further researching I came along an AI 3D CAD program that instantly changed my perception of AI not being able to create top tier posters.

A software called Project Dream catcher is able to design pretty much anything you want it to. All you need to do is feed it some parameters such as: how you want it to function, what materials you want to use, cost restrictions, and the manufacturing method you want. Once you give it these variables than it starts generating a number of concepts ranging from one thousand to one million. The best part is that all the designs this software comes up with are the always the most optimal for functionality. This software has already designed an airplane partition panel which was lighter, stronger freed up space, and in return the plane emits less CO2 and wastes less fuel.

After seeing a complex AI as in Project Dream, there is no doubt in my mind that AI can create decent posters.

For my project I'm making a database of about 100 of these quotes that will appear on command in my interactive poster. The quotes will be randomly chosen from the array and placed at mouseX and mouseY positions when the mouse is clicked. Accompanying these quotes is a large, dynamic, abstract object meant to represent the "brain" of the AI in this interactive poster. This abstract shape is always changing and slowly rotates on an X and Y axis. The idea is that every time you click the mouse you are giving it a quote, the more quotes you feed this "AI brain" the bigger it expands. As you click you also slightly change the hue by 2, eventually with enough clicks it becomes a dark red. This is a direct connection to how modern AI behaves, they learn the more they're used. The brain turning red is just a reference to the AI going rogue. Eventually when you click enough and generate enough quotes the shape takes over the screen.

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